Complexities specific to the lives of women physicians

You don’t give yourself credit
 for how much you’re doing inside

If you’re reaching out for support, therapy in individual sessions, a general overview of my therapy approach, evidence-based modalities and the specific specialized focus with physicians is found under the “Physicians” tab. I invite you to read that for specific information about the therapy process and approach.


Below is a context for my approach and understanding of the evidence and lived experiences of additional complexities and barriers that women physicians face in your daily lives and across your career.

I use the term ‘woman’ to mean any person who identifies as a woman versus the gender assigned at birth.


My life and work are anchored in a feminist lens that seeks to guide individuals and women’s retreats in healing from and navigating through the impact of systemic oppression (which can include the public’s perceptions, behaviours, projections on the physician) that targets gender, race, sexual orientation, and the many biases highly competent, caring practitioners face in their provision of health care.


In addition to the impact of the pandemic on the well-being of physicians in general, I have also witnessed the immense toll on women physicians navigating your context of Canadian health care training and practice today. The strain is immense in a system that withholds the resources needed to care for ourselves and others. My therapy practice is dedicated to restoring, buffering, and deepening a sense of intrinsic worth and value within each woman and in women’s practice of medicine.


The women in my practice and retreats have shown me that small, steady changes can lead to significant, long-term shifts in both personal and professional life. Depersonalizing the impact of structural, cultural, societal biases and oppressions from a narrative believing “it’s me” has been a key for many clients for a truly meaningful internalization of self-compassion. This creates an expanded empowerment and capacity for wisdom-making to navigate the structural barriers and oppressions met every day and across your career.

Read more on the “The Impact of the “Empathy Tax” on Women Physicians”

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